Newsroom ACTIA


Corporate Information

Name and address

5 rue Jorge Semprun
BP 74215
31432 TOULOUSE CEDEX 4, France

Capital Amount

Limited liability company with a board of directors and a supervisory board
Registered capital of 15 074 955,75 €

Responsible for content

Jean-Louis PECH

Telephone Number

05 61 17 61 61

Register Entries

Toulouse Trade and Companies register number: 542 080 791

Web hosting

5 rue Jorge Semprun
BP 74215
31432 TOULOUSE CEDEX 4, France
Tél : 05 61 17 61 61

Conditions of use

The website ACTIA is intended for the private information of its visitors. The ACTIA brand is registered internationally and covers all the features of our products. The site and any software used in conjunction with it may contain confidential information protected by applicable intellectual property rights or any other law. Thus, save where otherwise specified, intellectual property rights to the documents contained in the site and to all items created for the site are the exclusive property of ACTIA, and the latter does not grant any license or rights other than that of viewing the site.

The reproduction of any documents posted on the site is authorized for information purposes only in the framework of private, personal use. Any reproduction of the contents of this site (partially or totally) or any use of copies for other purposes remain expressly forbidden. It is also prohibited to copy, edit, translate, create a derived work, adapt, reverse-engineer, disassemble or in any way endeavour to find the source code (except where provided for by law), sell, assign, sub-license or transfer in any way whatsoever any right pertaining to the software. It is likewise prohibited to modify the software or use modified versions of it, especially (without this list being limitative) with a view to obtaining unauthorized access to the service or accessing the site by any means other than the interface provided by ACTIA for this purpose. ACTIA reserves the right to claim damages for any infringement and, in a more general sense, of its intellectual property rights.

Limitation of liability

ACTIA declines all liability:

  • for any interruption of the website and its services.
  • for any virus likely to damage, infect or destroy your IT installation or any other installation by connecting to this website, downloading a document or implementing any other feature of the site.
  • for any occurrence of bugs.
  • for any inaccuracy or omission relevant to information posted on this site.
  • for any damage resulting from hacking by a third party having modified the information available on the site.
  • and, in a more general sense, for any direct or indirect damage, whatever the causes, origins, nature, or consequences.

Furthermore, the ACTIA website may include links to other internet sites. ACTIA declines any liability with respect to the content, advertising, products, services or any other material available on or from said sites.

As the site owner, ACTIA reserves the right to change, add or delete content and information in this site at any time and without notice. These changes shall apply as of their publication on the site. Viewing the site once these changes have been made automatically implies acceptance. Any message sent to ACTIA by or via the site implies no obligation for ACTIA.

This disclaimer is governed by French law to the exclusion of any other law. Any dispute arising from the site or from this disclaimer shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the French courts.

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